Please take note:
Deposits are now only taken by paypal.
Full payment is due at 10 weeks old -
NO exceptions anymore!
We do not sell any puppies for breeding, all puppies sold on strict spay/neuter contracts
***Prices range from $1500 - $3000.***
(We occasionally have a puppy at a lower price)
Please contact for the pricing on the puppy your interested in.
Located in Michigan with personal hand delivery available but prefer pickup
Here you will find some very important information.
Please be sure to read the whole page if looking to add a Yorkshire Terrier to your family from me.
Some of your most common questions
1. Will you call me so I can talk with you? I am best reached by email or FB so I can sit down and give your questions my full attention and then we have it all in writing to look back on. Unfortunately I am very busy right now caring for my elderly parents and also have the babies to keep happy and healthy. Please only contact me by email or FB, thank you.
2. Are your dogs AKC ? Yes all my dogs are registered with the AKC and I am a long time member, full inspected and passed, however I am no longer releasing AKC papers with my puppies due to the non-honest people that have found the way to scam the system and still get full AKC on my puppies.
3. Do you deliver your puppies if I can not pick up? YES - however I prefer pickup. I can deliver but there is a fee as well as cost of the ticket. Please pickup if your able. I will meet you at the airport if you fly in for no cost.
4. Is delivery included in the price of the puppy? NO - Delivery costs are not part of the puppy price. Your more than welcome to come and pick up your puppy , which I prefer, but I can NOT pay YOUR delivery costs. Delivery can take up to 3 weeks to plan out so please don't be inpatient. Your welcome to come pickup as thats what I prefer but I can not control the airlines.
5. What do your puppies cost? Puppy prices range from $1500 to $3000 , it just depends on the overall quality of each puppy. We occasionally have a puppy for less.
6. Is my deposit refundable if I change my mind? NO deposits are non refundable and not transferable if you change your mind. Only time they are refunded are if something were to happen on my end. This is a strict policy now.
7. Will you hold my puppy for me without a deposit? NO
8. Where are you located? Detroit, Michigan
9. When is my puppy ready? Most cases it is 12 -16 weeks of age unless I state otherwise. Please understand , while I know you are excited to bring your new baby home, I will determine when your baby is ready to leave. Please do not ask for your baby early. They're well being and health is what matters most and I will let you know when I feel your baby is ready to leave and come home. This is for their well being and health. No monies are returned because you can't wait.
I can no longer hold them longer than when I say they are ready, which means when I say they are ready I will no longer hold them for a longer period if you have vacation plans etc., so you must be ready when I say the puppy is ready to come home.
10. What if I get anxious waiting for delivery can I have my money back? NO, all monies are non refundable and if you can not pickup you have to be patient and flexible for delivery no matter what.
11. Can I breed my baby? NO NO and NO. I sell only on a strict pet contract, no exceptions and if contract is not followed puppy has to be returned to me.
Our babies are sold as family pets only, as a healthy Yorkshire Terrier has a life span of 17-20 yrs and they deserve to have a family that will love them their whole life .
***I'm sorry I do not sell my babies with AKC breeding rights at this time.***
*Prices are subject to change without a deposit*
Prices range from $1500 to $3000
​If you are interested in giving one of my babies a forever home, please email me along with your completed Puppy application along with any questions you may have and I will answer you by email as soon as possible.
These precious babydolls are being sold as PETS only. No breeding rights.
(no AKC papers are released on pet sales)
Thank you! I look forward to helping you add a precious baby to your family !!!
​*Deposits are always non refundable
​I keep my babies until AT LEAST 12 WEEKS old and sometimes longer. Please do not ask to have your baby early and understand that is the wait period. Babies need to be eating 110% and doing well on their own before I will let them go home. Thank you!
*** Please note that If you put a deposit on a puppy and do not get them when
ready to go at 12 weeks or when I say they are ready if after 12 weeks, then it will cost you a boarding fee of $20.00 a day. That is IF I am able to hold the baby. In most cases I can no longer hold a baby for you if you have vacation plans etc. Please plan accordingly.
If payment isn't paid in full, all moneys will be forfeited and the puppy will go back up for sale. I can no longer hold puppies longer as I just do not have the room in my home***
I am no longer doing a wait List - Puppies will be sold by first deposit once approved from my puppy application​ Please dont ask me to notify you when I have puppies as I don't have time and don't want anyone upset with me because I forget to email you. (Yes, CRAZY, but this happens and I will no longer take blame )
Please make note that I can cancel a sale and return a deposit at any time, if I find that its not the fit for one of my Babydolls. Also please understand that a deposit does not give you ownership of the puppy you are purchasing, he or she is still under my ownership and the deposit is only to hold the baby for your purchase. I want the best end result in your purchase with me and the best homes for my babies, so that we will begin a life long friendship with the purchase of your little babydoll from me.
My email is brenyxxx@gmail.com
Hand Delivery
If you require me to deliver your baby - please understand that I can not control the airlines, weather or schedules! I try my best to get your baby to you, but please understand that it can take up to 3 weeks, once your full payment is received. I am also busy so if you can't come and pickup you will have to be patient.
I want the best for my babies so I do require my puppy application to be filled out. I reserve to refuse the sale (and cancel a sale) of one of my babies, if I feel its not the right fit.
​Thank you for your understanding.
*** I reserve the right to cancel a sale at ANY time ***
Hypoglycemia is a common problem in small breed dogs like Yorkshire Terriers. The definition, symptoms, and treatment for hypoglycemia is outlined.
Hypoglycemia is a common ailment in toy breed dogs like Yorkies. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. The pancreas makes the hormone insulin, when there is too much insulin the body can develop hypoglycemia. Yorkies and other toy breed dogs can develop hypoglycemia even when they are healthy because they don't have the fat stores to use for energy, and their liver can not produce enough sugar to use as energy.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia: Symptoms include but are not limited to: Slow heartbeat and breathing, weak, sleepy, disoriented, wobbly, glassy eyed, and seizures. In some cases pets may lose consciousness and fall into a coma. Pets can die from hypoglycemia if they do not receive treatment.
Diagnosing hypoglycemia: Your veterinarian can diagnose hypoglycemia with a quick blood test that checks your pets blood glucose or blood sugar.
Treatment: Staying consistent with a feeding and exercise schedule will help avoid the dangers of hypoglycemia. If you are worried about your pets blood sugar levels, for hypoglycemia: If you notice your pet is acting wobbly or weak try giving some treats or canned food, anything you know your pet will eat. If your pet won't eat, try giving it some NUTRICAL, or Karo syrup. Rub the syrup on the gums and under the tongue if your pet is unconscious. If your pet is not unconscious and can swallow you can give the sugar with a needleless syringe. If your pets blood sugar drops it may also begin to suffer with hypothermia, so you'll need to help keep your cat or dog warm with a hot water bottle and blankets. A milk jug filled with steaming hot water makes a good hot water bottle in a pinch. This treatment can also work with puppies and kittens who are failing to thrive. After giving initial first aid get your pet to your veterinarian immediately.
Diabetics and hypoglycemia: If diabetics are given to much insulin they can develop hypoglycemia. Diabetic pet owners should monitor their dog or cat closely for signs of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia call your veterinarian.
Additional information: If you own a toy breed dog you should feed 4 small meals a day to help avoid hypoglycemia. Also leave food and water down 24/7. Some owners mix Karo syrup in the drinking water, if you do this the water should be changed daily to avoid bacteria growth. Hypoglycemia is very dangerous and can kill a dog or cat if left without treatment.
What is Coccidiosis?
Coccidia are small protozoans that multiply in the intestinal tracts of dogs, cats, goats, and other animals though most commonly in kittens, puppies, kids, and young animals less than 6 months of age, but coccidia can also affect adult animals whose immune system is suppressed or in animals who are stressed in other ways (i.e., change in ownership, other disease present, etc.). Cat and dog coccidia are most often of the genus called Isospora. Isospora canis and I. ohioensis are the species most often encountered in dogs; I. felis and I. rivolta are the most common in cats. Regardless of which species is present we generally refer to the disease as coccidiosis. As a puppy or kitten ages it tends to develop a natural immunity to the effects of coccidia. As an adult it may carry coccidia in its intestines, shed the cysts in the feces, but experience no ill effects.
What is Giardiasis?
Giardiasis, aka Giardia, are small protozoans that can affect nearly all warm blooded beings, humans and animals. Animals or people can be affected by consuming water or food that is contaminated with giardia cysts. When giardia reach the gastrointestinal tract they swiftly multiply and block the intestinal absorption causing loose, mucousy stools, diarrhea, listlessness, weight loss, dehydration, and can cause scarring in the small intestine, pancreatic insufficiency, and malabsorption syndromes.
People can get giardia infections from their pets. Fecal testing is not as accurate as it should be. People and animals can test negative even when they have giardia infection, so it may take numerous fecal smears to confirm infection.
People and pets that are infected with giardia can get it again, so it is essential to disinfect well. Finding the source of giardia is helpful, as eliminating giardia from your home and property can be difficult as the cysts are very hardy. They can survive standard chlorination protocols for drinking water. They survive freezing down to –13C and in drying fecal material for long periods of time.
How are coccidia transmitted?
A puppy or kitten is born with the coccidia organisms in its intestine. However, once born, the puppy or kitten is frequently exposed to its mother's feces and if the mother is shedding the infective cysts in her feces then the young animals will likely ingest them and coccidia will develop in their intestines. Since young puppies and kittens, usually those less than six months of age, have no immunity to coccidia, the organisms reproduce in large numbers and parasitize the young animal's intestines. Oftentimes, this has severe effects.
From exposure to the coccidia in feces to the onset of the illness is about 13 days. Most puppies, kittens, and other animals who are ill from coccidia are, therefore, two weeks of age and older. Although most infections are the result of spread from the mother, this is not always the case. Any infected animal is contagious to other animals. In breeding facilities, shelters, animal hospitals, etc. it is wise to isolate those infected from those who are not.
How did my pet get coccidiosis?
STRESS plays a role in the development of coccidiosis. It is not uncommon for a seemingly healthy puppy, kitten, or other animal to arrive at its new home and develop diarrhea several days later leading to a diagnosis of coccidia. Moving to a new home alone, takes a huge toll on a small puppy or kitten. Shipping is also stressful. Coccidia lays dormant only to surface during the stressful period of the puppy or kitten adjusting to a new home.
What are the symptoms of coccidiosis?
The primary sign of a pet suffering with coccidiosis is diarrhea. The diarrhea may be mild to severe depending on the level of infection. Blood and mucous may be present, especially in advanced cases. Severely affected animals may also vomit, lose their appetite, become dehydrated, lethargic, and in some instances, die from the disease.
Most infected kittens and puppies are in the four to twelve week age group. The possibility of coccidiosis should always be considered when a loose stool or diarrhea is encountered from this age group. A microscopic fecal exam by a veterinarian will detect the cysts confirming a diagnosis.
What are the risks?
Although many cases are mild it is not uncommon to see severe, bloody diarrhea result in dehydration and even death. This is most common in animals who are ill or infected with other parasites, bacteria, or viruses.
How is coccidiosis prevented or controlled?
Because coccidia is spread by the feces of carrier animals, it is very important to practice strict sanitation. All fecal material should be removed. Housing needs to be such that food and water cannot become contaminated with feces. Clean water should be provided at all times. Most disinfectants do not work well against coccidia; incineration of the feces, and steam cleaning, immersion in boiling water or a 10% ammonia solution are the best methods to kill coccidia. Coccidia can withstand freezing.
Cockroaches and flies can mechanically carry coccidia from one place to another. Mice and other animals can ingest the coccidia and when killed and eaten by a cat, for instance, can infect the cat. Therefore, insect and rodent control are very important in preventing coccidiosis.
The coccidia species of dogs and cats do not infect humans.
What is the traditional veterinary treatment for coccidia or giardia?
Traditional coccidia or giardia veterinary treatment consists of giving Albon (aka Sulfadimethoxine), Flagyl (aka Metronidazole), or Marquis (Ponazuril) for 10 to 14 days. In some cases, numerous 10 to 14 day treatment cycles are needed.
© 2017 by Exquisite Baby Dolls
Shihtzu puppies quite often have hernias and this is NOT A LIFE THREATENING HEALTH ISSUE and are easily fixed at spay or neuter and most times do not require fixing at all. They are also prone to ear infections. Keep them clean often and free of hair.
ALL small breeds are prone to retaining baby teeth. Please expect your baby to retain baby teeth and need them removed at spay and neuter.
Most tinies will have open fonts! This is normal and not a life threatening condition. Be sure to educate yourself on the breed you are purchasing.